Jay-Z‘s Team Roc is calling for the firing of a Wauwatosa police officer Joseph Mensah, who has killed a Black teenager and two other Black men in his five years on the force.
Team Roc is apart of Roc Nation, an entertainment company that was founded by rapper Jay-Z. According to their website, they work to “effect positive change in the communities that we touch around the world.” Simply put, they advocate for people whose voices are not being heard.
“Outside of these three tragedies associated with Mensah, no other fatal shootings by police have taken place in Wauwatosa since Mensah joined the force in 2015. Doesn’t that tell you something?”
Now, they’re advocating for voices in Wisconsin. The organization took out an ad in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Thursday and shared a letter to Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm.
Within the letter, the prosecution of Wauwatosa Police Officer Joseph Mensah, who has shot and killed three men since he joined the department in 2015 is asked, adding that a total of 19 bullets were used in their deaths! Nineteen! The team is demanding that Mensah be fired and prosecuted.
Check out the full letter below.