In December of 2013, Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim did something rather typical of the night time adult programming block in debuting a peculiar new animated series. That series was Rick and Morty, a series that explores the depths of sci-fi fantasy through the lens of a mad scientist and his weary grandson as they probe the multiverse. Eight years and four seasons later, the show has become beloved by many with devoted fans across the globe tuning in to join the peculiar duo on their journey. In 2018 the series was renewed by Adult Swim for nine more seasons, highlighting how intense the demand for Rick and Morty is and how eager fans are to see what is up next for the mad scientist and his grandson. Those fans now have something more concrete to look forward to: Adult Swim has announced the release of season 5 of Rick and Morty with a new trailer highlighting a release date this upcoming June.
It would appear as though we get a new season of Rick and Morty every two years, with the past season debuting in 2019 and the one before that in 2017. This formula has worked out incredibly well for Adult Swim and series creators Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland who have amassed an audience for their animated sci-fi series that is fervent and insatiable. Their insatiableness should be quenched for the foreseeable future however, with the new trailer providing fans an entire new season of the series to look forward to. The trailer captures the duo and the rest of their family in an eerie, woodland setting before delving into a barrage of high energy scenes previewing what’s to come, and what’s to come is sure to delight fans this upcoming summer.
Roiland and Harmon likely did not imagine this level of success upon creating the rather bizarre animated sci-fi series, but they definitely are not turning it down. They just won their second Emmy for their work on the series with Rick and Morty winning the award for most outstanding animated program for the second time, with the first coming a few years ago in 2018. With a decent chunk of the 70 episodes they were renewed for that same year remaining, it is difficult to imagine the creators and their series will not be in contention for the award again in the future. While we wait and see, eager fans can look forward to the premiere of season 5 of Rick and Morty on June 20th of this year.