In 2014, no one knew what to expect when Guardians of the Galaxy hit theaters with the quirky Chris Pratt set to embark upon his first superhero role. Yes, the dimwitted Andy Dwyer from Parks and Recreation managed to utilize his success on the acclaimed series to be awarded a contract with Marvel. Since the original film’s release in 2014, Guardians of the Galaxy has become a fan favorite amongst MCU fanatics for its comedic nature while maintaining the integrity of a superhero franchise. While the events of Avengers over the past few years left many questions regarding the future of a number of MCU franchises, however it appears that the future of the Guardians is live and well. It was reported this week that production on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is already underway, cementing the position of one of the most memorable superhero franchises of the century.

It has been a total of four years since the last film, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, hit theaters, achieving an impressive 85% on Rotten Tomatoes. Since then a plethora of other Marvel films have been released to round out the Avengers franchise, but the MCU does not end there. After the events of Avengers: End Game and the death of their arch-nemesis Thanos, the remaining Avengers were left to their typical crime-fighting, in relative peace. Now it is the Guardians turn to continue their journey, with director James Gunn alluding to the fact via his Twitter account, as seen below, that the early stages of production have begun.
The MCU is hands down the most successful film franchise in the history of film at this point, with Disney nearly tripling their investment since acquiring the company in 2009. While a multitude of franchises have played a key role in achieving such remarkable success, Guardians of the Galaxy has certainly been a breadwinner for them generating over a billion dollars in profit on box office receipts alone. While it has been rumored the film may still be a year or two away, fans are guaranteed to flock to the theaters once it hits the silver screen.