Throughout Hollywood history, moviegoers have been introduced to a very wide range of actors and actresses. That is especially true today as it seems as though consumers are introduced to a new name in virtually every new film or television series. Some of those names end up living well beyond their initial foray into entertainment while others fail to achieve the same longevity and don’t take it very far beyond their initial introduction. Those who do achieve longevity do so by resonating with audiences in the multitude of roles they play, and that’s especially true for Jeremy Renner who we are disappointed to inform you was involved in an accident this past weekend that placed the actor in critical condition.

Renner got his start in Hollywood back in 1995 when he appeared in the cult classic film National Lampoon’s Senior Trip. He achieved critical acclaim in 2008 though when he starred in the critically acclaimed 2008 film The Hurt Locker which saw Renner play a sergeant in the U.S. military who is deployed to Iraq where he works alongside the unit’s bomb squad. Most recently, he has achieved fan favorite status as a member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe where he played the crafty hero Hawkeye in the Avengers films as well as his own Disney+ series Hawkeye. It is with great sadness we report to you that over this past weekend, Renner was involved in an accident while plowing snow in his home state of Nevada which placed the actor in critical condition. Further updates have confirmed that Renner’s condition has been stabilized for the time being after undergoing two surgeries to repair damage caused by the accident, but remains in intensive care at this time. Further details about the accident remain sparse out of respect for both Renner and his family, and we can only hope for the best for such a talented and kind soul.

While Hollywood is full of unscrupulous individuals, Jeremy Renner is so far from that. Often lauded as one of the good guys in the entertainment industry, news of the accident immediately made waves on social media as virtually everybody sent Renner and his family their prayers and best wishes. We at TFP are praying for Renner’s full and speedy recovery, and you can check back for further updates about his condition as they become available.