Director Jeff Fowler of Paramount Pictures’ Sonic the Hedgehog 3 recently discussed how the John Wick franchise significantly influenced the decision to cast Keanu Reeves as Shadow. Sonic 3 is scheduled to premiere in theaters on December 20. The film boasts a talented ensemble that includes Jim Carrey, Keanu Reeves, Ben Schwartz, Krysten Ritter, and others.
Jeff Fowler mentions Keanu Reeves’ John Wick as his audition for Shadow in Sonic 3
In a recent conversation with SFX Magazine, while promoting Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Jeff Fowler addressed numerous inquiries about the film and revealed how he secured Keanu Reeves for the role of Shadow.
Highlighting the parallels between John Wick and Shadow, Fowler remarked to the magazine, “I would be misleading you if I didn’t acknowledge the clear connection between his portrayal in the John Wick series and the essence we aim to capture for Shadow. From a tonal perspective, Shadow is an anti-hero with a bit of an edge to him.”
The director elaborated on how Reeves’ portrayal of John Wick contributed to his selection for Shadow, stating, “It seemed like the ideal match for Keanu. He delivered such an impressive performance. He understood what we were looking for and was thrilled about stepping into this character and joining our universe.”
Previously, in an interview with Screen Rant, Keanu Reeves shared his thoughts on portraying Shadow in Sonic 3, saying, “For 50 years, Shadow has been in a state of suspended animation. He’s emerging from it seeking vengeance. It was really about the internal struggle to access the anger and the emotion. It was intense.”