As history has progressed, humanity’s curiosity has extended far beyond the planet we call home. Buzz Aldrin and company first landed on the moon over half of a century ago, and now Jeff Bezos is planning to become the first man to step foot on Mars. Advancements in technology make world’s beyond our own increasingly accessible, only further driving society’s curiosity into what else lies in the depths of our vast universe. The topic has been explored countless times throughout Hollywood history, with films such as the Alien franchise and Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey considered bonafide classics. Now a new project will explore the subject once more in Cosmic Dawn, a story about a cult and the alien abductions they pursue.

Cosmic Dawn follows the story of a woman who watches her mother get abducted by a UFO as a child, only to later in life be drawn to a cult of the same name that is fascinated with these abductions. Aliens and cults seemingly go hand in hand already, so the project may not appear as outlandish as it sounds. Cosmic Dawn will be writer-director Jefferson Moneo’s sophomore effort following his success in 2014 when he also wrote and directed the film Big Muddy. So far Moneo has enlisted the help of Emmanuel Chriqui and Camille Rowe, and is currently scheduled to release early next year.

The range of topics Hollywood is willing to explore becomes increasingly diverse every year. Now a movie that centers around a cult obsessed with UFOs is coming to fruition, all in typical Hollywood fashion. Cosmic Dawn is set to begin production later this year and more details are sure to emerge as it commences; until then, remain on the lookout for further updates about Jefferson Moneo’s second film in the coming weeks.