In 1985 director Tom Holland released the classic 80’s horror-comedy Fright Night, a story that follows a young man as his obsession with the horror genre comes to life. Though he is best known for his work directing the horror…
Next Installment In The James Bond Franchise, Not Starring James Bond?
This past weekend, the movie industry lost a legend with the passing of Sean Connery, the first actor to bring the legendary role of international spy James Bond to the silver screen. Before the end of his battle with dementia,…
Horror Series Getting the Prequel Treatment
In 2009, production company Dark Castle Entertainment released, backed by a star-studded lineup headed by Leonardo DiCaprio as producer, the psychological thriller Orphan. As the title may indicate, the film follows the story of an American couple who adopts a…
People Under the Stairs Reboot In the Works
In 1991, Wes Craven’s People Under the Stairs hit theaters, a horror satire that follows a teenager and two adults who attempt a robbery and get more than they had bargained for. The film has been lauded for the satirical…
Series Star Set to Direct Next Film in Insidious Franchise
A fast decade and four films later, the Insidious franchise has grossed over half a billion dollars worldwide. Production company Blumhouse is seemingly hoping to build upon this success after announcing plans for a fifth Insidious film at their first…
Michael B. Jordan Looks to Make Directorial Debut
In 1976, Sylvester Stallone wrote the screenplay for what would become quite possibly the most revered sports film in the history of Hollywood when he delivered unto the world Rocky. A gritty story about a down on his luck boxer…
Reese Witherspoon Looking to Adapt NYT Best Seller, Casts Lead
Written in 2018 by Delia Owens, Where the Crawdads Sing has been lauded by critics far and wide and has managed to achieve New York Times’ bestseller status in the fiction category for 32 non-consecutive weeks. A curious tale of…
Fede Alvarez Looks To Strike Gold Again
In 2016, Director Fede Alvarez delivered Don’t Breathe to the world, a horror film less reliant on blood and gore like his past works and drawing more on the occult and suspenseful. The movie was a huge success, grossing over…