Over the past few years, society as we know it has been shaken up by an imaginative new technology best known as cryptocurrency. A form of currency backed by complex coding problems that require a large amount of computing power and a pretty extensive background in technology to solve, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have emerged in recent years as both a viable and lucrative means of investment for anybody willing to dip their toes into the water. Over time Bitcoin proved exactly that, and we in turn witnessed the success of a number of other cryptocurrencies with their own purpose that have only helped further the ethos surrounding cryptocurrencies. One of the most preeminent examples is a cryptocurrency known as Ethereum which employs a new ambiguous form of “art,” for lack of a more concise term, commonly referred to as NFTs, and now we will get to see some of those NFTs come to life in the new series Lil’ Heroes,

Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs for short, are a new form of asset ingrained into the Ethereum blockchain that represent a new age of technology. That sentence probably has more foreign words than most of us are accustomed to seeing in a single sentence, but in shor: NFTs are on the forefront of modern technology and will help immensely in ushering in other new and closely related forms of technologies. Proof of that will seemingly be comings to television in the coming future, with the new animated series Lil’ Heroes set to be based upon an NFT collection of the same name. Set to be produced by Exile Content Studio, the Lil’ Heroes NFT collection designed by Spanish artist Edgar Plans will officially release next month via the Curatible platform and, as Curatible CEO Massine Benoukaci, highlights “a bridge between traditional art and the digital world.” It should certainly be interesting to see, and anybody who may be interested can prepare for the release of the Lil’ Heroes NFT next month and further updates about the animated series in the coming future.