First Ever Live-Action ‘Pokémon’ Series in Production at Netflix

The Pokémon franchise is arguably the most successful franchise of any variety in the history of the entertainment industry. Dating back to the mid 1990’s, there are more movies, television series, video games and virtually every other type of intellectual…

HBO Releases First Official Trailer For New Docuseries ‘Music Box’

The music industry is fast paced and packed to the brim with vibrant and intriguing personalities. With that speedy lifestyle comes a wide array of equally interesting stories that highlight its true essence behind all the glitz and glamour. That…

First Trailer for ‘Blade Runner’ Anime Series ‘Blade Runner: Black Lotus’ Unveiled

Despite how much there is to deal with in the here and now, humans are constantly looking towards the future and wondering what is next. With technological advancements constantly reshaping our day to day lives, it is virtually impossible to…

First Trailer for Final Season of ‘The Walking Dead’ Released

Questions about life and death have piqued humanity’s curiosity since the beginning of recorded history. Some take a positive perspective and opt to make the most of their time on earth, others tend to take a more nihilistic approach given…

‘Dune: The Sisterhood’ Prequel Series to Follow Up Movie Reboot on HBO Max

HBO is notorious for the array of original and captivating television series and films they produce, ranging from the classic mafia series The Sopranos to the medieval fantasy world of Game of Thrones. They invest heavily into these projects to…

Barack Obama HBO Miniseries ‘Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union’ Debuts Next Month

Throughout the United States nearly six centuries in existence, the country has seen a myriad of individuals take the office of President of the United States. From the legendary George Washington, who bravely led the American people into the Revolutionary…

Paramount+ is Taking on ‘Grease’ Prequel Series With a Pink Twist

Originally ordered by HBO Max as Grease: Rydell High, the 10-episode prequel to 1978 Grease has received the green light at Paramount+. However, the series is coming to Paramount+ with a pink twist! The series will focus on Rydell High’s…

Teaser Trailer For ‘Chucky’ Television Series Officially Released

First appearing on the silver screen in the 1988 film Child’s Play, Chucky has become a staple of popular culture in the past few decades. The murderous children’s toy has been wreaking havoc in Hollywood for over three decades now,…

Season 2 of ‘Loki’ Officially Confirmed

Disney+ has proved to be an incredibly savvy investment by the media empire since its debut last year. Not only did the platform allow them to receive the lion’s share of the profits from their work by hosting the content…

‘iCarly’ Revival Renewed For A Second Season At Paramount+

Paramount+ has officially renewed the iCarly revival for a second season! The new order of episodes comes right as iCarly is on its first season. Currently, iCarly is on its first season. Beforehand, the show ran on Nickelodeon and was shelved for ten years. The updated…