As Disney has rebooted the Avengers franchise over the past decade, countless superheroes were brought back to life on the bring screen to develop the concept behind the project. From the young and naive Peter Parker, otherwise known as Spider-Man and played by Tom Holland, to billionaire tech genius Tony Stark who dons the Iron Man suit, played by Robert Downey Jr., the cast is as diverse as it is expansive. Some of them are not even of this planet,such as the hulking blonde statue of a man with godlike powers from the ancient kingdom of Asgard known as Thor, played by an actor from an almost equally far off place in Australia’s Chris Hemsworth. The actor has truly stepped into the role and made it his own since he began playing the character back in 2011, starring in a total of three Thor movies since and seeing box office success with each. Now after a nearly four year hiatus Hemsworth is ready to return to the big screen as Thor Odinson and has shared the first on-set photo from the upcoming fourth installment, Thor: Love and Thunder.
Despite the last Thor film releasing nearly four years ago in November 2017, Thor Odinson didn’t just disappear from the MCU during this time. Hemsworth played the role of Thor in both 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War and 2019’s Avengers: Endgame, however now he is excited to get back to his own projects and give fans the next chapter of Thor. That is obvious based upon the Instagram post he made earlier this week, the caption joking: “They really squeezed the budget for the official Thor Love & Thunder poster but the message is clear, plenty of love and plenty of thunder.” He will be joined by his longtime co-star Natalie Portman as well as Chris Pratt whose Guardians of the Galaxy franchise has been teasing a crossover for some time now, and is set to release in May of next year.
Hemsworth has been with the MCU since the process of developing the Avengers began just over a decade ago, starring in several blockbuster films and being amongst the biggest names in acting during this time. Now, exactly a decade since he first starred as Thor, he plans on continuing down this path and exploring what else the franchise has left to offer. While production is still in the early stages and details about the plot of the upcoming fourth installment are sparse, fans are sure to be excited regardless. They can plan to see Thor: Love and Thunder next Spring when the film is scheduled to be released on May 6th, 2022.