The Peaky Blinders franchise is set to be graced by the return of Oscar winner Cillian Murphy. The actor, known for his compelling portrayal of the Birmingham clan’s leader, Tommy Shelby, is gearing up to film the next installment of the yet-to-be-named Peaky Blinders movie. In a recent X post, Murphy expressed his dedication to the project, stating, “This one’s for the fans.”
For those who are new to the Peaky Blinders series, it’s a gripping narrative that follows a war hero’s transformation into a high-status gangster in the world of crime. The movie, an extension of the series, is shrouded in mystery with no details about the storyline yet. Tom Harper, the director of the first season of Peaky Blinders, will also helm the movie. Caryln Mandabach and Guy Heeley will join Harper on this exciting project. Murphy hinted that the Peaky Blinders movie will be “a full-on Peaky Blinders war.”
Murphy is coming off a successful run with Christopher Nolan‘s Oppreheimer, which earned him an Oscar for Best Actor. He’s currently shooting the Netflix-produced film Steve, based on the novel Shy by Max Porter.
Production for the Peaky Blinders film is set to begin later this year.