Just a few days ago, we discussed the first images released by Amazon Studios last week that gave fans their first taste of the sequel that has been over 30 years in the making. Eddie Murphy’s Prince Akeem will finally be making his return to New York City, this time to find the heir to his throne, in Coming 2 America, sequel to 1988’s Coming To America. He is joined by Hollywood talent ranging from Tracy Morgan to Wesley Snipes, and plans to pay homage to the beloved 1988 original that paved the way for this iconic sequel. Coming 2 America is set to hit Amazon Prime sometime in March, however countless fans are already salivating at the thought. To quell their hunger, Amazon has now released the first trailer to the film, and it is likely to just leave fans even more excited.

When the original film, Coming To America, hit theaters in 1988, it was an immediate box office hit. Bringing in over $300 million to box offices worldwide, it was obvious that Eddie Murphy and director John Landis had struck gold; so obvious that over thirty years later plans for a sequel are in store and fans couldn’t be more excited. Many fans were left wondering what had come of Prince Akeem and the lessons he learned in America, ultimately returning to the country of Zamunda to his throne as prince in the country called home. Fans have now received their first chance to fuel this excitement with Amazon releasing the film’s first trailer today and the return of Prince Akeem to the United States, which can seen below.
From the looks of it, Murphy and Charlie Brewer, the director of the upcoming sequel, have managed to recapture the magic that John Landis found in 1988. Though Murphy and his counterparts have clearly aged quite a bit, their comedic magic certainly has not. It will certainly help that they will be joined by a slew of numerous high profile co-stars such as Jermaine Fowler and Leslie Jones, among many others, to bolster the affair and only help draw even greater attention to the film. Eager fans will have to remain patient however, as the film is still not set to reach Amazon Prime for a few short months until March 2021.