Disney’s Jungle Cruise opened this weekend at the box office, playing in only 4,310 theaters in North America. With the pandemic still effecting box office performance, Jungle Cruise did better than expected! The film was tracking to open at the box office in the $25 million to $30 million range. Assuming that more families would opt to stay home with the new Delta Variant of Covid-19 on the rise. However, it seems like many families opted to go out to see the theme park ride inspired film. The film debuted at the box office grossing $34.2 million at the domestic box office and $61.8 million worldwide. A total of $91.8 million.
“Jungle Cruise is the perfect summer adventure film, bringing a beloved theme park attraction to both the big screen and living rooms in a way that only Disney can. We remain focused on offering consumer choice during these unprecedented times, and it is clear that fans and families value the ability to make decisions on how they prefer to enjoy Disney’s best-in-class storytelling,” the company’s distribution said in a statement.

The movie staring Emily Blunt and Dwayne Johnson is described as, “The adventure of a lifetime.” The movie was released on July 30th and made available to stream simultaneously on Disney+ premier access for $30. The movie out beat Space Jam: A New Legacy and many others. With Disney being all over the news recently due to Scarlet Johansson suing over the streaming of Black Widow, these opening numbers definitely seem like a win for Disney!
Be sure to check out Jungle Cruise in theaters or on Disney+, let’s keep those numbers going up!