HBO is notorious for their rich catalog of classic television series dating back to the 1970s that is still growing today. Beginning early on with the critically acclaimed 1977 limited series Roots, the network would also go on to produce timeless classics in the mafia drama The Sopranos and fantasy world of Game of Thrones that have helped them cement their place amongst the elite. They are showing no signs of slowing down either, still producing new and interesting television series while continuing to produce beloved series that have debuted in the past decade. A new project HBO is working on a new series about a mysterious murder case that left investigators baffled initially, and now the first images of Landscapers have been made available to the public.

Based on a real case that took place in the United Kingdom back in 1998, Landscapers tells the story of a British couple who shot the wife’s parents dead. The caveat in this case though is that it went unnoticed for fifteen years, with the deceased being buried in a backyard garden the entire time. An unexpected twist exposed the couple for their crimes, and subsequently made headlines in the media in 2014 once the truth finally came to light. Landscapers is set to star Olivia Colman as the murderous woman,who recently did a fantastic job as Queen Elizabeth II in the acclaimed Netflix series The Crown, and Daniel Thewlis as the man; it will be overseen by director Will Sharpe who directed another project that Colman starred in, the BBC series Flowers. An exact release date is unknown at this time.

Any HBO project has potential from the start, but enlisting the help of an actress like Colman only helps their odds. The true crime genre is in higher demand than ever before it seems as well, so Landscapers couldn’t have come at a better time. Despite the evil crimes at the center of the series, it should be interesting to see what HBO comes up with. Landscapers can be seen on HBO or streamed on HBO Max once it is officially released, and interested parties can remain on the lookout for further updates on when that may be.