Walt Disney Animation’s Frozen 2 created a global blizzard in its box office debut, grossing an estimated $130 million in North America and $228.2 million internationally for a worldwide start of $358.2 million.
That’s ahead of Sunday’s estimates, which showed the family pic debuting to a record-shattering $127 million domestically and $350.2 million globally. Frozen earned $1.28 billion globally to become the top-grossing animated release of all time. The musical tale also won numerous awards, including the Oscar for best animated feature and for best original song “Let It Go”.
“Granted, it’s not easy following up on the first film,” says Disney distribution chief Cathleen Taff. “Six years is a pretty big gap, but the length of time doesn’t matter when people feel invested in the characters.”
The overwhelming support for the sequel from kids of all ages, is yet another victory for Disney, as well as a big win for returning directors Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, who doubles as chief creative officer of Disney Animation Studios. Disney has already skated past a record $10.8 billion in global ticket sales at the 2019 box office, and there’s still more than five weeks left to go in the year, which will include the December premiere of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker. It’s Disney do we expect anything less than fantastic ?