Over the past few decades, the horror genre has evolved possibly more than any other genre of content. This evolution had to begin somewhere though and for horror, that was in the 1970’s and 80’s when franchises such as Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th made their debut and cemented their place in Hollywood history. Not every horror film centers around a murderous maniac in the way those two do, with a plethora of great horror films which rely upon more occult ideas and tactics to send chills down audience’s spines. Now one of those classic films is set to make a reprisal with Hulu producing a reboot of the 1987 film Hellraiser, and initial reports expect it to be equally as terrifying as the first.

From the mind of the esteemed director Clive Barker, the original Hellraiser film centered around a mysterious puzzle box that, when opened, unleashed a world of chaos in the form of Cenobites, otherworldly demonic creatures which thrive on pleasure and pain. If you aren’t familiar with the film, you probably recognize the iconic villain at the center of the film pictured above best known as Pinhead whose image is among the most iconic in all of horror. Now Hulu is ready to bring him back with their plans to produce a Hellraiser reboot written by Ben Collins and Luke Piotrowski with Barker serving as a producer on the project. The project officially received an R rating today which should be a good indication of the project’s potential, and Barker is seemingly impressed with the duo’s efforts: “This is a Hellraiser on a scale that I simply didn’t expect. David and his team are steeped in the story’s mythology, but what excites me is their desire to honor the original even as they revolutionize it for a new generation.” That certainly sounds like a glowing review and from the original film’s director no less, meaning that audiences should be equally as pleased with the franchise’s latest installment when it debuts. They’ll just have to remain patient as the project is expected to premiere on Hulu this year but no official release date has been announced yet.

While more horror projects than ever before are being produced in the modern era, the iconic franchises that got us to this point will live on forever. Though it may not be the most well known of the group, Hellraiser is certainly amongst them making it of virtually no surprise that Hulu would elect to revive it. Eager fans will just have to remain on the lookout for further updates about the impending project as they become available.