Football is a sport with a long and interesting history, dating back to the early 20th century when motor vehicles were first being introduced around the world. In fact, last year the NFL celebrated their 100th anniversary with the league originally being founded in 1920. Since then we have witnessed countless incredible athletes take the field in hopes of achieving greatness, putting their livelihood at risk week after week. To some, it seems insane; to them however, it’s just another day at work. Now Lionsgate is producing a new film that highlights the story of one of these daring athletes and the battles he faced in his pursuit for greatness aptly titled American Underdog.

Based upon a true story, American Underdog tells the story of a stock boy at a grocery store in Iowa who ascended the ranks of the NFL to become one of the sport’s greatest quarterbacks of all time. That young man in question is NFL legend Kurt Warner, set to be played by Zachary Levi, who spent twelve seasons at the helm of three different NFL teams. Throughout those twelve seasons, Warner earned two NFL MVP honors and was crowned champion of Super Bowl XXXIV alongside the St. Louis Rams. Not bad for a kid from Iowa, and now that very same individual will be getting a film made about him and his rise to notoriety. American Underdog will be directed by the Erwin Brothers, and is expected to hit theaters this Christmas.

Football, and sports in general, is filled with these types of underdog stories. Individuals in unremarkable circumstances who, through hard work and integrity, reach heights they never could have possibly imagined and cement themselves in history. Warner’s story is one of many, but it is certainly one worth exploring further. Football fans and moviegoers alike can look forward to the release of American Underdog this holiday season.