Today, investing certainly isn’t what it used to be. While the myriad of economic recessions have dampened consumer’s perspectives regarding investing, the process has become easier than ever before. Cryptocurrency has virtually revitalized the concept and consumer friendly apps such as Robinhood have made the process easier than ever, but it isn’t all positive. With more money flowing around the world there is bound to be more controversy, and one of the latest examples of which came via a company nobody would’ve ever expected.The debacle surrounding GameStop’s stock price was all over the news last year as prices surged for a multitude of reasons and the ensuing frenzy it inspired amongst investors made significant waves on Wall Street, and now that story is set to be turned into a documentary with an impressive name already attached to direct the project.

The phrase “meme” has become commonplace in 2022 to describe any sort of outlandish joke typically with a deeper context, and that has even extended to stocks. Arguably the most notorious “meme” stocks of the past few years has been GameStop, which saw record highs last year when investors took a renewed interest in the video game retailer. The reason for this spike in price was of significant debate though: was it investors manipulating the market, unknowing consumers, a combination of the two or something else altogether? Well now those questions and plenty more are set to be answered in a new documentary being produced by MGM about the GameStop stock scandal, and they have enlisted the help of Cruella director Craig Gillespie to helm the project. Further details about the project remain tightly under wraps at this time but eager fans can continue to check back for further updates regarding MGM’s forthcoming GameStop documentary in the coming weeks.

While many people made money off of the GameStop stock debacle, the whole situation serves as a cautionary tale for any investor. It’s just as easy to lose money in the stock market, if not easier, as it is to gain, and almost every time it is virtually entirely out of one’s control. This documentary should highlight that and much more in covering the controversy surrounding GameStop’s stock from last year, and fans can remain abreast for further updates on the project in the near future.