Word has surfaced that Netflix is developing a live-action manga adaption of the anime, One Piece. One Piece is one of the highly-acclaimed manga titles. The anime explores the life of Monkey D. Luffy, leader of a pirate crew. After eating a “Devils fruit,” Luffy gains the power of turning his body into rubber. Luffy and his pirate crew venture off at sea, in search of a treasure known as “One Piece” so he can become the next Pirate King.
Reportedly, the manga adaption will reel out ten episodes. Steven Maeda (The X Files) will pen and executive produce Netflix’s version of One Piece. Matt Owens (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Luke Cage) will also write the script/executive produce. The original anime, itself, has been running for 20 seasons.
One Piece is also the main attraction in numerous video games and themed restaurants/park attractions in Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
There is no release date, as of yet.