Netflix’s newest film Yes Day is a wholesome family comedy with life lessons, love, and charismatic stars. The story follows a mixed-race family, with a second language seamlessly woven in without commitment.
Allison (Jennifer Garner) and her husband Carlos (Edgar Ramirez) were an outgoing pair with a “just for for it” philosophy, believing that one must always say yes because of the uncertainty of life . Upon settling down and having 3 kids, the frequent word out of Allison’s mouth was “no.” Allison’s “fun killer” demeanor resulted in her children comparing her to Joseph Stalin. Once discovering this, she acquiesces to a “yes day” which mandates that she and her husband say “yes” to anything her children want (within limit, of course).
The film is perfect for all family members to enjoy, including the younger crowd as there is gorging on ice cream and water balloon fights. If you’re shopping around for a good wholesome film this weekend, Yes Day is a good rambunctious escape and reels it in by the end, reminding us what’s really important in life.
Check out Yes Day on Netflix!