Over the past few decades, the documentary genre has grown tremendously as pressing issues around the world are brought into the scope of Hollywood for further examination. Documentaries like Supersize Me explored the growing problem of obesity in America while others such as 2016’s 13th explore the dynamics of race dating back hundreds of years, exhibiting the range of topics that have been explored in the past. Documentaries are now popping up like wildfire as the world is more interconnected than ever before and there is no shortage of issues that warrant further examination. A new documentary is set to explore a topic that has become increasingly pressing in recent years with implications that could potentially influence our very own constitution in Bulletproof, set to examine the growing problem of school shootings.

While awareness for issues such as mental health have grown considerably in recent years, school shootings have gone up at an alarming rate. Subsequently, an increasing number of Americans are feeling the physical and emotional impacts of such an event which has only helped fuel the discussion around them. Bulletproof will be taking that discussion a step further in examining the myriad of complex factors which potentially cause school shootings to take place, hoping to come up with a way to stop them. In the official trailer, released exclusively on Deadline this morning, viewers are presented with commentary from parents, school officials and security professionals in highlighting how many people are impacted by these events and the plethora of discussions that take place as a result. Bulletproof has been screening around the world since early last year with a release date still to be determined.

Although this is a topic that most of us would rather ignore, it is virtually impossible to do so given the frequency in which they are occurring. The school year is barely two months old, yet school shootings have already been reported in South Carolina and New Mexico. Whether the issue is gun control, mental health or a combination of things, something needs to be done. Before something can be done a discussion must take place, and Bulletproof will be pushing that discussion forward when it premieres.