Over the course of time, board games have evolved tremendously. From Chess and Checkers which were first played many centuries ago to games we know and love like Monopoly or Scrabble, the idea of what a game is as we know it has changed at its very core. Another game that played an integral role in defining what board games are today is Dungeons & Dragons, so big that it’s propelled it to the big screen. Paramount Pictures has released the final trailer for their impending project Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves which will bring the iconic game to theaters, and it might be safe to say they have a hit on their hands.

While it may be the latest, this isn’t the first board game to get turned into a film. In 1985 the film Clue was released and in 2011 the film Battleship, both named directly after the board games they were inspired by, for example, and both of those projects certainly performed well at the box office. Now Paramount is attempting to emulate their success with Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Amongst Thieves, and the latest trailer for the project certainly inspires hope in how the project should fare. In said trailer, reposted below, a group of 4 led by Chris Pine are seen in a mythical looking world that features trials and tribulations identical to the board game that inspired it, and promises to be both action packed and adventurous as the four make their journey through a variety of perils. It looks like it should be worth making the trip to theaters, and if you agree then get ready because Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Amongst Thieves premieres in theaters next Friday in March 31st.
While it may be an interesting topic to some, board games are just one of many niches that the film industry has explored since it began. But their efforts have proven fruitful for the most part, and it certainly looks like they may have another winner on their hands. I obviously can’t say that for certain, but anybody who is interested just has to wait until next Friday to find out if Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Amongst Thieves lives up to the hype.