Sandra Oh, known for her roles in Grey’s Anatomy and Killing Eve, is set to narrate a powerful new PBS documentary about the fight against Asian hate. The documentary, Rising Against Asian Hate: One Day in March, will premiere on October 17th. It tells the story of the tragic shooting at a spa in Atlanta that left six people of Asian descent dead and explores how the community came together in response. This critical documentary features interviews with some of Georgia’s most notable political figures and underscores the importance of standing up against hate crimes.

Executive Producer, Gina Kim shared some insight behind the project, “With this documentary, we hope to examine this troubling escalation of racism against the AAPI community, pay respect to the lives lost and impacted by the violence, and champion those coming together to fight against the hate.”
“The tragedy of the Atlanta shootings and the events of the past two years have compelled a deep reflection within the community about our place in the American polity. It has galvanized the Asian American community to speak up and speak out,” director Titi Yu stated.
Rising Against Asian Hate: One Day in March premieres on Wednesday, Oct. 17 at 9 P.M. ET on PBS.