As we enter the 2020s the popular culture of the 1990s and early 2000s becomes increasingly nostalgic, reminding many of us of times during our adolescence when times were simpler. From classic cartoons to timeless fashion trends, many of the things we enjoyed as children and teenagers are coming back into the realm of pop culture and becoming incredibly popular once again. Many filmmakers and production companies have also begun revisiting stories from the time period that are deserving of further examination, whether it be for pure curiosity or cultural significance or both. Among the most prominent topics in this regard is music with the countless number of artists and bands who achieved stardom during this time and whose music continues to be timeless. One of those groups is the 1990s band Stone Temple Pilots, or STP for short, and their legendary frontman Scott Weiland who now has a biopic officially in the works.

Dying prematurely in 2015 at the age of 48 from a drug overdose, Weiland was and still is a name that is widely respected in the rock and roll community to this day. Frontman for both STP and the supergroup Velvet Revolver, the musician led an incredibly successful career that subsequently rocked the world when it was abruptly brought to an end. Now his career will be examined in an upcoming biopic titled Paper Heart based upon Weiland’s own 2011 memoir Not Dead & Not for Sale that highlights the success STP achieved at their peak in the 1990s. The project will be produced by Dark Pictures with the screenplay written by Jennifer Erwin, a die-hard STP fan who is clearly ecstatic for the opportunity: “It’s an honor to have the trust to tell Scott’s story and the ability to portray the lesser known sides of him — the loving and tender man he was, the high school athlete he was, the melancholy soul he was and the legendary frontman that he will always be.”

Countless legendary musicians and groups would come out of the 1990s, but few as successful as Stone Temple Pilots. Thus it is no surprise that the man who served as their representative is going to have his life celebrated in the upcoming biopic Paper Heart. It makes it even more interesting that the project will be based upon his own memoir, adding an extra level of authenticity to an already intriguing story. Weiland’s career is likely full of mind blowing stories involving a multitude of impressive and well respected names, and those stories will likely be on full display in the upcoming biopic Paper Heart.