In the modern era of Hollywood, reboots have become as commonplace as virtually anything else. While production studios are certainly not short on ideas, more and more often they are endeavoring to revisit the classic franchises that helped them become as successful as they are today. Not all reboots suffer the same fate however, as some exceed expectations dramatically while others fall considerably shorter. Thus it is of no surprise that the entire entertainment industry is abuzz with the latest rumor that the iconic Harry Potter franchise is set to be rebooted with a brand new cast that will seemingly allow the world of Hogwarts to continue to thrive for decades to come.

What originally began as a book series, the Harry Potter franchise is arguably amongst the most iconic film franchises in Hollywood history. Author J.K. Rowling released the first novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, back in 1997 before being turned into a film just four years later, and as the saying goes the rest is history. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint would all become household names virtually overnight just from the success of the first film alone, with the next seven films serving to cement their place in Hollywood history as the Harry Potter franchise would go on to gross close to $10 billion to date. Warner Brothers seemingly isn’t eager to let the rimless franchise go however after rumors began circulating this week that they are considering potentially rebooting the Harry Potter franchise with a whole new set of faces at their helm to usher in a new generation of wizards. While they are just rumors at this time, several outlets have reported that the legendary film studio is heavily considering their options as CEO David Zaslav is apparently also eager to adapt Harry Potter and the Cursed Child as a sequel to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, driven by the fact that they “haven’t done a Harry Potter movie in 15 years.” While some might see that comment as Zaslav simply relishing in the success that the franchise has brought them, the rumors must hold some weight given how much traction they gained so quickly and Harry Potter fans should keep their eyes and ears open as more details become available in the coming weeks.
As of today, the Harry Potter franchise is the fourth most successful film franchise in all of Hollywood history. It was third not too long ago, but was knocked down a peg after the Tom Holland-led Spider-Man reboot propelled the iconic web-slinging hero into third place. Regardless though, the Harry Potter franchise is in very elite company and most fans probably wouldn’t have even begun to think about possibility of a reboot. Warner Brothers seemingly has however, and some very major news could be just over the horizon if they do decide to go forward with plans to reboot the Harry Potter franchise in the near future.