Young Thug, Gunna, and Yak Gotti are allegedly set to drop a collaborative track this Friday. This news came about after a song titled “Take It Trial” popped up on their Spotify page two weeks ago. Sadly, the song is no longer up because it was deemed an accident by Young Thug’s team.

Apparently, the triad has been teasing TTST, an acronym for “take that shit to trial,” for a while. For now, the details on TTST are up in the air. Some people are divided about TTST being either a song or project. But there’s one thing that fans are sure about, TTST is having a great roll out thus far. Not too long ago, Young Thug went on Instagram to post a quick video of Gunna rapping in the studio and, of course, to flex his prestigious fit. Towards the end of the video, the date “12/18” appears. The caption, however, was the real eye-catcher because Thugger penned “TSST.” You can view it here.

What do you think the three will drop this Friday? Let us know in a personal message.