Throughout the United States nearly six centuries in existence, the country has seen a myriad of individuals take the office of President of the United States. From the legendary George Washington, who bravely led the American people into the Revolutionary War, to William Henry Harrison, who only held the position for 31 days before dying of pneumonia, the variety of men who have served as the leader of the free world is extensive and diverse. Donald Trump proved that most recently when he subjected the American people to four years of virtual insanity, culminating in a riot in Washington D.C. earlier this year. In stark contrast however, the individual before him inspired hope throughout the nation and helped dig the country out of financial turmoil. That man was Barack Obama, who will be the subject of the upcoming HBO miniseries titled Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union.

In his two terms as President of the United States, to say Obama left an impression upon the country would be a gross understatement. The nation’s 44th president and the first African-American president in U.S. history made the most of his two terms in working to progress the United States forward. He is already considered one of the greatest representatives this country has ever had, and now his service will be the subject of a new HBO miniseries. Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union will be a three episode miniseries that explores the former president’s tenure in the oval office and what made it so special, notably his experiences regarding race and identity as the country’s first African-American leader. The project will be directed by veteran documentarian Peter Kunhardt, who recently directed the 2018 political documentary John McCain: For Whom the Bell Tolls, and will feature an array of faces from Keegan-Michael Key to Reverend Al Sharpton.

Aside from his detractors, Barack Obama is incredibly well-respected by just about every United States citizen. He utilized his position to unite the country while also doing his damnedest to fix a problem he did not create when he inherited a damaged economy. On top of that, he was arguably the most relatable president ever as exemplified by his annual playlists that feature music from Smokey Robinson to Kendrick Lamar. The United States was lucky to have Barack Obama representing them, and now his role as representative and President of the United States will be examined in depth when Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union debuts on HBO August 3rd.