Throughout Hollywood’s illustrious history, moviegoers have been treated to a vast array of unique and intriguing projects. From sci-fi epics to gruesomely terrifying classic horror films, the creative minds at the helm of the entertainment industry have left virtually no stone unturned in their pursuit of greatness and have subsequently shaped modern television and film as we know them as a direct result. To this very day producers and filmmakers still manage to come up with unique twists on timeless stories that give them a refreshingly new take on a classic story, and it looks like one production team is set to do exactly that. Brad Pitt’s Plan B production company has jumped aboard the highly anticipated sequel film Beetlejuice 2 which is currently in the early stages of production, and it sounds like die hard fans of its predecessor are in for something special with this project.

Originally released in 1988, Beetlejuice tells the story of a deceased couple who are forced to haunt their own home after it is sold following their death and a new family moves in with big plans. That is when the couple turns to the film’s iconic titular character, a loud and foul-mouthed deviant who also exists in the new spiritual world the couple has found themselves in and is an expert in dealing with pesky humans. The result is a hilarious 92 minute affair that is so much more funny than it is scary, despite the subject matter, that Beetlejuice is still considered a classic piece of Hollywood history to this very day. Now fans are in luck as production on Beetlejuice 2 began in the past few months and now we have the latest update on how that project is coming along: esteemed actor Brad Pitt has joined the crew through his production company Plan B and will server as a producer on the upcoming film. Winona Ryder and Michael Keaton, who played the original Beetlejuice, are also set to reprise their roles for the upcoming, making Beetlejuice 2 a star-studded affair before it even really kicks off. It will be interesting to see what else Warner Brothers has up their sleeve, and fans can remain on the lookout for further updates about Beetlejuice 2.

Even if you haven’t seen the original, you’re likely familiar with Keaton’s iconic role in Beetlejuice. The film’s titular star has been a staple in popular culture for over three decades now and that trend will seemingly only be catalyzed with the impending release of the sequel. It should be interesting to see and should serve as a refreshing twist to the plethora of action and superhero films being released in Hollywood today. Eager fans can remain on the lookout for further Beetlejuice 2 updates in the coming weeks.