The cast for the upcoming play adaptation of Stanger Things has been revealed. According to Coming Soon, Stranger Things: The First Shadow stars Oscar Lloyd as James Hopper Jr., Louis McCartney as Henry Creel, Isabella Pappas as Joyce Maldonado, Christopher Buckley as Bob Newby, Ella Karuna Williams as Patty Newby, Patrick Vaill as Dr. Brenner, and Shane Attwooll as…
ABC Cancels ‘The Wonder Years’ After 2 Seasons
ABC has decided to pull the plug on The Wonder Years after it ran for only two seasons. According to Deadline, the family television network canceled The Wonder Years because it “struggled to attract and maintain a large audience.” Based…
‘Found’ Trailer New NBC Drama Starring Shanola Hampton
The trailer for NBC’s upcoming drama series, Found, finds Shameless actress, Shanola Hampton in a star role. According to the show’s synopsis Hampton will play as Gabi Mosely, a former missing person herself, who now specializes in PR and leads a crisis management team that seeks…
‘Monarch: Legacy Of Monsters’ Release Date Set For Apple TV+’s MonsterVerse Series
A release date is set for AppleTV+’s upcoming MonsterVerse series, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters. According to the latest issue of TV Insider, the show will premiere in November. The action-packed series is directed by WandaVision’s Matt Shakman from a script written by Chris Black. According…
‘Suits’ Spin-off ‘Pearson’ Now Streaming On Peacock
Suits spin-off, Pearson has made its way to Peacock. The series originally aired in 2019 and ran for just one season before going on a hiatus. Now, Peacock has acquired rights for the entire Suits franchise. The show stars Gina Torres, Morgan Spector, Simon Kassianides, Bethany…
‘Scott Pilgrim Takes Off’: Release Date Announced For Netflix Anime
The anime Scott Pilgrim: Takes Off has an official release date. Based on Bryan Lee O’Malley‘s myriad of Scott Pilgrim graphic novels, Scott Pilgrim: Takes Off will premiere sometime in the fall. The series finds the cast members from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World…
‘Thirteen Ghosts’ Television Series Reportedly In Development
A television series for Thirteen Ghosts is reportedly in development. During an exclusive interview with Dread Central, Primordial Pictures’ very own Patrick Mediate and Fear the Walking’s SFX supervisor, Aaron McLane, announced they were inking a deal with Dark Castle to pitch the…
‘Moving’ Trailer Previews Hulu’s Epic Superhero Drama
The trailer for Moving previews Hulu’s upcoming epic superhero drama. Moving is about three teenagers discovering they have superhero powers inherited from their parents. The South Korean series will stream its first seven episodes on August 9 on Hulu and Disney+. As per the…
Apple TV+ Cancels ‘City On Fire’ After 1 Season
AppleTV+ has canceled their series, City on Fire after it ran for only one season. According to Deadline, the network thought the show would do well statistically, but unfortunately, it did not. The show’s cancellation arrived about a month after Season 1 wrapped…