Movie News

Comic-Con Announces Star Returns For Terminator: Dark Fate (plus Trailer Clip)

Franchise creator and producer James Cameron was present at 2019 Comic Con. Right from the Terminator panel James Cameron annouced Terminator: Dark Fate will again star Edward Furlong in the role of John Connor.

This film is not focused on attaching to the other films of this franchise, which allows the welcome of Furlong as the seasoned warrior version of Sarah Connor. This film is set to sequence The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day and begin a new triology.

The upcoming Terminator: Dark Fate film will be timelined decades later presententing a new model of terminator that will terminate a new target. When the new group of hereos find Sarah Connor and the original Terminator they’ll unify as a force to make their own fate.

Its been confirmed that Arnold Schwarzenegger will be in the return aswell as his iconic accomplice actress Linda Hamilton, who hasn’t starred as Sarah Connor for over 30 years.

James Cameron regained Terminator rights and will be producing this new series with David Ellison.

Terminator: Dark Fate in theaters November 1st, 2019