Much has changed in the entertainment industry since most of us were young, primarily in the form of the content that is being created. With the advancements in technology and plethora of young creative minds at its helm in recent decades, this is of virtually no surprise. The 1990’s and early 2000’s were a unique and interesting time that played an integral role in shaping popular culture today, from the clothes we wear to the television series we watch. Now a prime example of the latter is ready to make a comeback with Degrassi: The Next Generation set to debut on HBO Max later this month.

Originally debuting in 2001, Degrassi: The Next Generation was your quintessential teen drama. It was Euphoria before Euphoria was ever conceived, taking a uniquely refreshing look at the problems facing the youth during this time period and pushing barriers in the process. Degrassi: The Next Generation even fostered the birth of an icon in Aubrey Graham, better known today as Drake, who performed as a student and a rapper in the the series that would seemingly foreshadow his future well before anyone could have possibly realized. Now the timeless series that many of us can remember binge watching in our pubescent years is set to return on HBO Max this month with all fourteen seasons of Degrassi: The Next Generation set to be made available to subscribers officially on March 25th. It should certainly be interesting to see how some of our favorite storylines and scenes have aged since their original debut, and HBO Max subscribers can find out for themselves in a few short weeks.

Most of us haven’t thought of a series like Degrassi: The Next Generation since we were young enough to watch it, however Hollywood is filled to the brim with nostalgia. This is emphasized by the fact that HBO is also producing a new era Degrassi spin-off series that should hopefully provide a new generation of fans with the same comfort it provided many of us when we were young. We will just have to wait and see, and fans can catch Degrassi: The Next Generation in a few short weeks.