Since the dawn of Hollywood, scandal has plagued the entertainment industry for as long as anybody can remember. While the scope of scandals has certainly shifted substantially in recent years, the idea of celebrities getting embroiled in situations they theoretically should not be involved in is nothing new. With that being said however, there is one specific type of scandal that has become prominent since the turn of the century thanks to the development of new technologies: the dreaded sex tape. While the film and television industries have been plagued by their fare share of sex tapes over the past two or three decades, one in particular which helped spark this wave is set to be the subject of discussion in a limited series being produced by Hulu aptly named after its witting counterparts, Pam & Tommy.

Some of us probably best remember Pamela Anderson from her days on Baywatch or Tommy Lee as one of the founding members of legendary heavy metal band Mötley Crüe. Arguably the most defining moment of either of their careers would come much later however in the late 1990’s when their sex tape was leaked to the general public, quickly becoming one of the most iconic moments in Hollywood’s history. Though we are several decades removed from this incident, it remains one of the most infamous in Hollywood’s checkered history to this day. Now it appears Hulu will be exploring the infamous incident in a new limited series that will explore the story behind the legendary sex tape aptly titled Pam & Tommy. In the trailer for the official project, we travel back in time roughly 30 years when Anderson and Lee were at the peak of their fame, only before being propelled to new heights as they make Hollywood history in all the wrong ways. Highlighting the development of the internet’s role in spreading the notorious tape, Pam & Tommy comes off as both comedic yet blunt and honest in its retelling of events and features the likes of Seth Rogen, Nick Offerman and many others in capturing one of the most iconic moments in Hollywood history in tremendous fashion. Hulu subscribers can catch Pam & Tommy on the streaming service when it unveils in a few short weeks on February 2nd, 2022.
Though it definitely wasn’t a bright spot in Anderson or Lee’s successful careers, they have both taken it in stride and made the most out of a bad situation. Now they are likely turning it into a check, with Pam & Tommy featuring a star-studded cast that Hulu likely shelled out some money for. The inventive new series should be interesting to see, with Pam & Tommy set to debut in a few short weeks.