Over the past few years, Hollywood has been experiencing something akin to a renaissance with the revival of a wide array of intellectual property. With the reboot of classic television series such as Gossip Girl and films like Denis Villeneuve’s 2021 Dune remake, it is abundantly clear that the demand for projects that inspire nostalgia amongst viewers are in higher demand than ever before. Production studios have subsequently been hard at work in hopes of giving fans exactly what they want, with the latest example reviving a piece of classic 80’s culture. Netflix has reportedly begun production on a live-action film inspired by the iconic He-Man franchise titled Masters of the Universe, and they already have their He-Man.

Originally conceived in 1981, the He-Man universe centers around a barbaric character who shares the same name notorious for his superhuman strength which he utilizes to fight evil in a strange, mystical world. Since then, the character has permeated pop culture and taken on a new life in recent years with Netflix currently producing two animated series, Masters of the Universe: Revelation and He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, centered around the timeless franchise. It appears they have one more trick up their sleeve however, with reports that a Masters of the Universe live-action film is also currently in the works over at the streaming platform. Reports also indicate that Kyle Allen, who recently appeared in the 2021 remake of West Side Story, to star as the iconic He-Man, though further details remain sparse at this time. The Nee Brothers are also rumored to be directing the project, as well as penning the script alongside David Callaham who most recently helped pen the scripts for 2014’s Godzilla, 2020’s Wonder Woman 1984 along with many other films. With the core of their team seemingly already in place, fans should expect more details to emerge in the coming weeks as production commences on the live-action Masters of the Universe film.

80’s and 90’s popular culture has seen a huge resurgence in recent years, and Netflix’s latest endeavor is another prime example of that. The He-Man franchise has maintained relevance for over forty years now with the streaming platform introducing new generations of fans to the iconic franchise, and they have done so with great results. Said new fans and Netflix subscribers now have something else to look forward to, with production expected to begin on the Masters of the Universe live-action film in the near future.