Since the beginning of time, man has peered into the sky and pondered about what else may reside in our vast universe. While it feels like we have enough to deal with on Earth as is, it’s difficult to not be at least a little curious as to what else is out there. To think that humanity is the only intelligent life out there would be foolish given the millions of planets, universes and galaxies. Netflix has certainly been curious over the past few years, developing original content such as the animated series Alien TV and film Alien Xmas. It looks like their interest hasn’t slowed down either with a new project in the works set to revisit the topic once again with the new docuseries Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified.

Aliens and UFOs have been a prime topic of interest in popular culture as long as the entertainment industry has been in existence. This new project however will transition from nonfiction to fiction, investigating the existence of extraterrestrials in the context of new and increasingly convincing evidence. Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified is set to explore a unique case of potential alien contact in each episode with six episodes ordered for the first season. Per Netflix, the series is an “original factual television series featuring the most recent information and proof exposing the most top-secret government projects that handled contacts with and cover-ups of, extraterrestrial presence on Earth.” The series is set to debut on Netflix on August 3rd, and the first official trailer for the series can be seen below.
The topic of aliens only becomes increasingly controversial as more time passes. The evidence continues to pile up with little to no explanation denouncing their existence, converting more and more humans into believers. The CIA has even declassified documents recently that allude to the existence of extraterrestrials, highlighting how our own government doesn’t even know what to make of the situation. Let’s hope Netflix can make sense of it on August 3rd when Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified debuts.