Throughout time, Hollywood and the massive amount of content it produced have evolved tremendously. From black and white films with no sound to the special effects spectacles we have today, it’s astonishing to see how far the entertainment industry has come since it’s inception. A number of franchises helped pave the way for Hollywood over the past several decades to get us where we are now, and one of them is set to make a comeback in a big way. Warner Brothers announced this week that a Harry Potter television series is in development that is set to explore the wizardly world in a new light.

The first Harry Potter film premiered back in 2001 and immediately resonated with audiences, resulting in a series of eight films being produced as the young wizard, played by Daniel Radcliffe, at the center of the film honed his skills and battled his foes. Now the franchise ranks amongst the most successful film franchises to ever be produced, with billions in revenue generated off of the Harry Potter name in the past 2 decades. But Warner Brothers is ready to introduce the world of Hogwarts to a new set of fans and is working with Max to develop a Harry Potter television series that will take a different perspective on the original books written by J.K. Rowling and serve as a refreshing treat for Harry Potter fans. The series has already been ordered for seven seasons as well which guarantees fans have plenty waiting for them, and Rowling herself is attached as an executive producer which virtually ensures the project will be as authentic as possible. While we’re probably still a long ways away from seeing it on screens, fans should remain on the lookout for further updates regarding the impending Harry Potter television series as they become available.

For many of us, the Harry Potter franchise was a cornerstone of our childhood. Warner Brothers has been putting a lot of effort into rebooting the franchise over the last few years, and it looks like they finally figured it out. So it looks like both old fans and new are in for something special, and should look forward to seeing the new Harry Potter series on their screens in the near future.