Gavin Saxon
473 Articles0 Comments

Sandler and Netflix Look Continue To Look Forward

Adam Sandler’s production company Happy Madison first inked a deal with Netflix in 2014. In 2017, they renewed that deal and the company produced films such as Murder Mystery and The Ridiculous 6 for Netflix, both respectable in their own…

Built Like a Superhero, Now Set to Star as One

For a little over a decade now, the film industry has seen nothing short of a complete overhaul and revival of the superhero universe. This really began when Disney acquired Marvel Entertainment in 2009, since which we have seen the…

The Revival of Kevin Smith: Mallrats 2 Incoming

In the 1990s, Kevin Smith saw his first wave of success, having served as writer and director of classic films such as 1993’s Clerks as well as 1997’s Chasing Amy. Smith’s success carried over into the beginning of the 21st…

Wonder Woman Takes On Another Strong Female Lead

Though having worked in the film industry for over a decade now, Gal Gadot’s career seemingly began to take off the past few years as she has starred in the titular role of the latest remake of the Wonder Woman…

Hunger Games before the Hunger Games

Earlier this year, we got the announcement that the film and novel series Hunger Games will see a prequel film that is set to be released in the next few years. While this was about half a year ago now,…

Tom Hanks Looks to Take On a New Frontier in New Trailer

When one thinks of Tom Hanks, it is hard to think of an outlet or avenue he has not explored in his storied career. From lovable goof in Forrest Gump to war hero in Saving Private Ryan, Hanks has seemingly…

Children’s Toy Set to Become Star of New Film

When we see this coiled up stack of plastic or metal, most of us have fond memories of childhood, watching said contraption slide between steps, tables and other surfaces with ease as it twisted and bent to form. Most people…

Before Game of Thrones, there was House of Dragons

Though it may have come to an end nearly a year and a half ago now, Game of Thrones and the hype surrounding it seems to be live and well. This is evident based upon the number of, and subsequent…

American Horror Story Creator Takes on Serial Killer Series for Netflix

While the country collectively looks for a glimmer of hope during this rather difficult time in American history, Ryan Murphy looks to shine a light on an equally ominous time in history instead with a new Netflix series, Monster: The…

Behind the Scenes of The Godfather

To any film lover, The Godfather is considered to be a quintessential classic revered by virtually all as an absolute masterpiece. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola at the beginning of the 1970’s and starring Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Diane Keaton,…