Since they left audiences in shock and awe upon their initial release, the classic horror franchises of the 1980’s have helped define the horror genre as we know it today. From the range of iconic storylines that includes films such as A Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th, these timeless films are still remembered today for inciting fear and excitement alike in viewers around the world and have earned their place in Hollywood’s history. Among those franchises we also have the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise, a film that predated the aforementioned franchises slightly but is equally as important in helping shape the horror genre as it exists today. Centered around a deranged murderer named Leatherface, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise is ready to make a comeback with Netflix unveiling the trailer for the latest Texas Chainsaw Massacre film this week.

Originally directed by Tobe Hopper in 1974, Texas Chainsaw Massacre tells the story of a group of friends who stumble upon the lair of a devilish murderer named Leatherface. The film was a success and sparked the birth of a franchise, with 8 films to date including the 2017 effort Leatherface. Netflix is hoping to relish in the franchise’s success now with the release of their latest project, the eighth installment of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise. They unveiled the trailer for the new project and, in it, fans are reminded of the horror that took place nearly half a century ago while being welcomed into a new world of terror that is bound to leave them feeling similar to its predecessor. We will just have to wait and see if Netflix delivers, with the next installment of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise set to hit the streaming platform on February 18th, 2022.
While it’s certainly never easy to follow up on a classic, Netflix has been on a tremendous run with new projects since the pandemic began. It certainly looks like they’ve put the effort in with the trailer for this new project, however we will just have to wait and find out for ourselves. Eager fans and Netflix subscribers can find out for themselves in a few short weeks when the next installment of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise premieres in January.