Throughout the course of Hollywood history, moviegoers have been treated to a plethora of critically…
Movie Trailers

Final ‘Halloween Ends’ Trailer Previews Michael Myers vs. Laurie Strode
The last trailer for Halloween Ends has officially arrived! In the preview, fans will see Laurie Strode…

Samuel L. Jackson Returns As Nick Fury In New ‘Secret Invasion’ Trailer
The iconic Samuel L. Jackson will return as the always-intriguing Nick Fury in Marvel Studio’s…
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Releases Second ‘Black Adam’ Trailer
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Warner Bros. dropped a follow-up trailer to the DC ‘Black…

Netflix Unveils Trailer for Highly Anticipated Animated Film Directed By Jordan Peele ‘Wendell & Wild’
Over the course of Hollywood’s illustrious history, moviegoers and film fanatics alike have been introduced…

‘MK Ultra’ Trailer Has Been Officially Unveiled and Thrusts Moviegoers Into A World of Abject Horror That Was Once a Sad Reality In America
Since Europeans established the earliest settlements of what is known today as the United States…

Paramount Unveils Trailer and Release Date for ‘The Day The Music Died: Don McLean’s “American Pie”’’
Since the inception of recorded music over a century ago, the music industry has certainly…

Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling Team Up with Netflix in ‘The Gray Man’
Summer is here and Hollywood is hard at work pumping out content to keep the…

Disney Unveils Teaser Trailer for Highly Anticipated Live-Action ‘Pinocchio’ Reboot Starring Tom Hanks
Since their inception, Disney has come a tremendous way and cemented its position as one…