With Universal and DreamWorks Animation’s announcement of Shrek 5, set to hit theaters on July 1, 2026, fans of the beloved franchise are buzzing with anticipation. This long-awaited return features the original star-studded cast, including Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, and…
Eddie Murphy has confirmed there will be a Shrek 5 donkey spinoff
Scoop of The Day Shrek 5 will be on the Big Screens Eddie Murphy has confirmed that Shrek 5 will be coming to theaters along with a spinoff. In this upcoming film, Murphy will voice a funny comedian who tags…
‘Shrek 2’ 20th Anniversary Theatrical Re-release Date Set
Shrek 2’s re-release date has been set for the film’s 20th anniversary. According to Coming Soon, the animated DreamWorks film will premiere on April 12, 2024. Tickets are now on sale through Fandango and other ticket sites. However, AMC Theaters is selling them…
Rumors of ‘Shrek 5’ are Ramping Up, as well as the Potential of a New Spin-Off
Over the past century, few if any genres of film have evolved in the way animated films have. What began in the early 20th century as black and white, silent films have become spectacles in comparison. Special effects and other…