In the modern era of the entertainment industry, animated series and films have become equally as important as their live-action counterparts. Whether they are produced for children or adults, animated projects have proven to be as valuable as anything else…
Kim Kardashian Is People’s Choice Awards’ Fashion Icon
At the PEOPLE’s Choice Awards, Kim Kardashian received the Fashion Icon Award. Last year the award was passed off to Tracee Ellis Ross. Kardashian is recognized for her reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashian, daring fashion pieces, and clothing line SKIMS. “To receive the award from…
Michelle Obama To Appear In Final Season Of ABC’s ‘Black-ish’
Michelle Obama will appear in the last season of ABC’s Black-ish. The show, which ends next year, has been running for eight seasons. Obama is set to play as herself. But, it’s unknown what her role will entail. Black-ish stars Anthony Anderson, Tracee Ellis Ross, Yara Shahidi, Marcus…